Maximum number of columns displayed under menu

GK User
Mon May 16, 2016 8:19 pm
Hi there, Hi. I do have installed
the Storefront template Quickstart on
Joomla! 3.5.1 Stable
Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable
PHP version is 5.3.29
Webserver Apache
and HikaShop Starter 2.6.2

The issue must be generic though, and has to do with the maximum number of columns displayed under a menu item.

I have set in the Menu Params (Gavick Pro) values from 5 to 7 but the items below appear only in 4 colums, and it seems to overfloat so the items to be is the 5th column are displayed below. Instead a blank space appears in the 5th column.

I cannot provide you with my credentials but I can provide you with screen shots and any other information might help you with.

In your inbox you will find the according url.

Thank you in advance for your response,
Best regards,
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Junior Boarder

Thu May 19, 2016 11:41 am

Have You been able to fix this problem ? It's showing fine for me. Or is this related to a specific browser or I need to do something to see it broken.
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