I had the same problem and I solved after try by almost 1 hour.
1. Disable the module "Tab Featured" and "Tab New"
After that, the Image show Gk4 should it work, but this is not the solution .
2. Check into the "Tab Featured" module in "Data Source" if you can select virtuemart categories.
Should show the next error "
VirtueMart is not installed or any VirtueMart categories are available (current language: xx_xx).
Now we know that is a language problem with virtuemart.
3. Install the Joomla Language you want by "Extensions - Language", also in content create the language.
4. Install the VM Language you want by
http://virtuemart.net/community/translations/virtuemart5. In joomla Administrator go to Virtuemart, Configuration, Shop and select the Language you already installed.
6. Create a Category and an article in virtuemart with the new language
7. Go to "tab Featured Module" and now it should let you select the virtuemart categories.
Sorry for my englilsh, I hope you understand my solution.