I didn't use the quickstart with storefront but have all the settings matching the quickstart as I have set that up on another server so I can make sure I set it up properly. I am using the latest GK4 1.53 though compared to the 1.52 in the quickstart. The problem I am encountering is within GK4 settings. In the advanced tab the Use style CSS is disabled as shown in the quickstart but when I view my homepage the gk4 is broken with no images showing and the text is on the top left of the screen under the menu. Now when I enable Use style CSS it is working but when I view it on my mobile phone the text is real big and not scaling properly compared to the quickstart. From what I can tell the style is not working properly. Can you take a look and see what the problem might be. Here is the link to my homepage.
http://test.tourandride.com/The pictures show one with the quickstart whick looks fine on my phone and the second with my test site with the style enabled. When I disable Use style CSS it breaks.