I have Joomla 3.4.5 + Virtuemart 3 + Storefront
1) When I add a product to cart, the cart is constantly "loading"....
2) When I add a product to cart, I am redirected to cart page instead of displaying the Popup "Continue shopping or checkout"
3) When I add a product to cart, I am redirected to cart page and product is not added. I can't see it in list of product added
4) When I add a product to cart, the Jomsocial profile page is shown ever the checkout page
See screenshot: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0335dcn26d
So I decided to put back Protostar template and try reproduce same event:
In protostar the Popup "Continue shopping or checkout" is displayed properly:
The product is added in my cart,
And no Jomsocial profile is disply over my cheout page.
You can reproduce this bug by visiting this url:
I created a demo account:
I put back storefront template to show you this bug.
Is anyone has an idea of what is going on?
Can you help me please, it is important?
Kind regards