Is there a way to place the Title tag at the beginning of the head section in source code ?
Google indicates this important tag should be placed at the very beginning of the head section
and I can see every website having the title tag just after <head> have a best ranking than mine despite of their low quality (not responsive, few content, meta not displayed, etc.)
So I'd like to make the test.
I tried to place
- Code: Select all
<jdoc:include type="head" />
<?php $this->layout->loadBlock('head'); ?>
<?php $this->layout->loadBlock('cookielaw'); ?>
just after <head> in default.php
but Title tag doesn't appears at the beginning like in this example :
<base href........../>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="keywords" ....... />
<meta name="description" ........ />
<meta name="generator" ......../>