Storefront, Multilanguage menu, Menu position, Menu modules

GK User
Fri May 15, 2015 2:30 pm
I have set up a site using the Storefront template. It should be a multi language shop.

I started to work on the multi language aspect of the site and thought that I will do it as always. Create English and Other Language menu, assign them their appropriate languages and place them in the menu module on the menu position.

However, I realized that the Storefront main menu doesn't have assigned position. Or at least I cant find it. I use the quickstart template version. There is no main menu position to be found. I.e. you can't assign a menu module to the position in the upper bar.

This makes it impossible to use the standard multi language Joomla menu setup. It also seems that once you would delete the original Main Menu, there is no way how to create a Main Menu position in the upper menu bar, because it is not using a module and you can't assign a module that position. That position is not defined If I have it right.

So my question is whether it is possible to use the standard Multilangue Main Menu Joomla approach with having unpublished main menu and other languages main menus published on the same position instead.

I read this post here: ... nt#p201501

Does this mean that if I keep the default Main Menu and publish menu items defined in all languages I want to use in that menu, that it will have the same effect? How it will affect Joomla, because I wont be able to define the language default main menu as it is normally done in Joomla.
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Junior Boarder

Mon May 18, 2015 4:05 pm

It can be done in a simple way. Please go to template style's list and make a copy of Your default style. As many copies as languages You want to have. Than in each of this styles select a different menu and attach to a different language. Done :)
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GK User
Thu May 21, 2015 1:01 pm
Ok, I knew that possibility, although I thought it a bit too much hassle, having a special template copy for each language. Neverthless I did just that.

But. Now I face a strange problem.

I have published two copies of the template, each for another language. I have published additional two language menus. And I got a language switcher.

Now I publish the language versions of the modules etc.. I have two languages. Dutch and English. And I use Virtuemart.

But strange things happened. First, the slider at the header does not display anything in the English menu, it shows it is loading, but thats it. The same goes for the Virtuemart featured feed on the home page as well for the Virtuemart shop itself. It doesn't show anything in the English version of the site.

I can't find where is the problem. In one language version everything shows up fine, in the other not. I use only the quickstart storefront installation.
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Junior Boarder

Sat May 23, 2015 7:00 pm

It's not a hassle. You are still using same files just different settings from database.

Your problem is now that either language tables for english was not created or are empty. If You are using NSP module to display it You can override the table language suffix to the one which should be used.
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