I am updating all of my website for the new google mobile updates and the test shows that my responsive template has some issues so I am updating everything. I have updated Joomla to the latest version and my extensions I have also updated so everything on my site is totally up to date.
All that was left was to update the Storefront template and that is where I found this problem:
I have tried to update my storefront template to the latest version 3.16 from 3.12. I have downloaded the 3.16 and have installed unzipped via the Joomla extensions directory. I get this error message:
Copy failed.
JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file /home/XXX394/public_html/tmp/install_552cbcac11060/gk_storefront/templateDetails.xml to /home/XXX394/public_html/templates/gk_storefront/templateDetails.xml
Template Install: Could not copy files from the files source.
I have used the update information from this page: https://www.gavick.com/documentation/jo ... k-template
The template still shows as 3.12
When I go to the site there have been some minor changes though - some fonts and other small changes I had made.
When I go “Update” tab in template configuration I get a message : Loading update data from GavickPro Update service... and it just does not open.
I am using the latest version of joomla and have the joomla 3 version of Storefront template downloaded.
The site is here : http://goo.gl/Q1lple
I was so sure I had done everything right.
Thanks in anticipation of your help