Have been through the forum for both the Storefront and Storebox templates and can't find a solution. As with others, my error message on install is:
Table 'XXXXX_XXXXX.i8at0_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `i8at0_virtuemart_vendors`.* ,`i8at0_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb`.* FROM `i8at0_virtuemart_vendors` INNER JOIN `i8at0_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb` using (`virtuemart_vendor_id`) WHERE `i8at0_virtuemart_vendors`.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "1"
1) Removing the GKTabs, as already documented helps in resolving ONLY the front page issue. Does nothing for being able to use Virtuemart. Running a Database fix from the J3 admin panel solves nothing.
2) Language is the default EN-GB.
3) Virtuemart AIO returns a 404 error in admin panel
4) Trying to access Virtuemart sections in Admin panel returns error messages, for instance:
Products: Table 'XXXX_XXXX.i8at0_virtuemart_products_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `i8at0_virtuemart_products` as p INNER JOIN `i8at0_virtuemart_products_en_gb` as l using (`virtuemart_product_id`) group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY product_name DESC LIMIT 0, 20
Configuration: Table 'XXXX_XXXX.i8at0_virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id,shipment_name FROM i8at0_virtuemart_shipmentmethods INNER JOIN i8at0_virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb USING (virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id) WHERE published="1"
5) I also tried something totally different. Separate install of the Steakhouse Template, with a clean install of VM. Virtuemart works, VM AIO still returns a 404 error in admin panel.
Is the problem Virtuemart, and should we stop trying to get a solution? Alternatively, is it fixable, and we're all missing something painfully obvious?
Would really appreciate your help as i was hoping on moving away from J2.5 and Vm2 for these two projects i have in hand, but it seems to be, so far, impossible.