Hi I notice in the template Storefront the main product image is responsive but as I am using Hilkashop, in its product pages the main image is static in size the page reformats in size as do the thumbnail images, but if I use a size not much bigger than the default size stated in your Hilka setup page, I get text crashes as the image stays one size.
is this a Hilkashop issue or a template issue.
as I would like the images larger but to auto resize like they do in the demo but within hilka modules.
or am I missing something in the setting's.
on a side note I don't like the menu shrinking to the 3 bars when using the site on a ipad 4 size screen I can tweak it in layout so it doesn't is that the best place or should I do it at code level
I would prefer that it only shrinks if the menu is crashing the logo. so navigation is always fully up until it simply doesn't fit. is that possible if so how.