I'm having the same problem with the Home menu item (only with this item, all the others menu items works perfectly) as described here https://www.gavick.com/forums/creative-joomla25/problems-with-link-home-in-multilanguage-site-25841 I'm using storefront template (v. 3.15.1) and with this BIG difference from the post: I installed Falang, I usually use it and I find it very useful. So I didn't create a "home menu item" for each language, I simply translated it with falang. I see the problem in chrome (IE I haven't tried it but I don't mind).
The problem is like the one described in the post I mentioned: going back to the home page the user has 3 navigation options:
1) Through the Main Menu, clicking on "Home"
2) Through the logo of website
3) Via the "Breadcrumbs" clicking on "Home"
If the user is using the ES language is all ok (it's the default language).
If the user is using the FR language:
1) Through the Main Menu, clicking on "Home" the redirect is wrong to the home page in ES language
2) Through the logo of website, clicking on the logo the redirect is wrong to the home page in ES language
3) Via the "Breadcrumbs" clicking on "Home", clicking on "Home" the redirect is right to the home page in the correct language.
I have changed the logo.php script as suggested in the post by tieibite but nothing changed in my website
I also removed the suffix frontpage for item id 640 (that correspond to the home menu item) and changed the home structure in order to have one article published in it but nothing changed.
So ... is it a problem of the template or is the Falang module that doesn't work properly? I've just updated my Joomla to 3.4 version and I had to update also FaLang component because it didn't work...
Maybe I can create another home menu item (a new one) in the default language and try to see if it works, but before doing it I would like to have your opinion. Or I can update the storefront template to the latest version 3.15.2 but I don't know if this will solve the problem.
I can give you the website details and access in a private message if you need to check it. I can also set admin language in english so you can check it easily, now it's in spanish.
Thanks and regards