Menü visibility like Steakhouse template

GK User
Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:35 am
Hi, can you tell me how to hide the menu until scroll down. How is it solved in the Steakhouse template.Thanks!!
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GK User
Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:44 am
You have to go to templates -> features -> (scroll down) SUFFIXES FOR PAGES

Here you have to add a suffix frontpage top1-colorbg to the menu items ID's where you want to hide the menu.

EDIT: Now I see I probably misunderstood your question .., You want the same functionality for menu in storefront like this in Steakhouse ??

IF so, I think you should do some custom coding I guess..
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GK User
Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:16 am
Hi spletniagent, thanks fot your reply! Yes, i need the same functionality for menu in storefront. I don't know what adjustments I need to do.

Please help!
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