Storefront and gkGrid5 Module - Background Image Problem

GK User
Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:28 pm
Joomla V. 3.3.6
Grid GK5 V. 1.2.1
Storefront V. 3.15.1

Hello Gavick Team,

I´m trying to use your Gavick Module gkGrid5 for the Gavick Shop Template Storefront.

For my Grid I would like to show the selected Background-Image (Grid1 - I - Module > Options > Select a Background-Image) like your MSocial Template Demo, but the gkGrid5 Module doesn't show the selected background image in my Storefront Template.

/* Firebug Output */
<div class="gkGridElement gkGrid-grid1_1-1 active">
<div class="custom gkPhoto"> </div>

The Output with Custom HTML text works fine.

I also created a new "gk_msocial_quickstart_J!3" Demo Site and installed, activated the Storefront Template. The selected Module Background-Image is empty like the Firebug Output above.

I also tested the gkGrid5 Module with the Template Steakhouse (same issue like Storefront)

Could you help me please?

Many thanks!
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:47 am

Grid is a module creating new module positions, so not all standard joomla functionality is accessible. Background is one of them. In our demo You can see a module GK JS Feed which is using a background, but not a module directly.

You can access each box via css by using code like:

Code: Select all
.gkGrid-grid1_1-1 {
background: url(../images/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center transparent;
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