slow speed in yslow

GK User
Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:28 pm
hello,I just installed storefront template to my new site .when I tested the speed from yslow I am getting the following issues
1.put javascript down
2.use cookie-free domain
3.add expires header
4.configure entity tags

These makes my site to loads slow .How can I resolve this.
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GK User
Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:52 pm

The most important part in this case is point 1, but unfortunately in Joomla it is just impossible to put the code in the footer, because core joomla code adds JS files in the header - fixing it is a custom work beyond of our technical support.

Regarding the other points - it is an optimization work not related to our template but to your server configuration - please read articles about that like: or
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