I have a problem in the virtuemart section: the pagination in the view of each subcategory doesn't work for the buttons:
- > 1 (page 1),
> back (go back) only if I go back to the page 1 (e.g., if I go back from page 4 to page 3 the Back button works perfectly)
> beginning/start (the button that allows to go the beginning of the subcategory view, I have the site in italian and I don't know how is in english).
In my shop there are subcategories that have more than 6 products and in the backend in virtuemart > configuration > template I set 3 products per row and 6 products per page. When a subcategory has more than 6 products, the pagination appears at the bottom.
In the backend I also set in the 3 products per view the following numbers for the pagination: 6,12,18,24,30,36. In the frontend it's ok, each subcategory page has 6 products per page. But when I use the pagination at the bottom, I have the problem listed above.
Here's what's appears as link in each button, I see that something is going wrong with it:
> button page 1 (products #1 to #6): name of the subcategory (/terre, without any "pagination"; shouldn't be /terre?start or something similar??)
> button page 2 (products #7 to #12): name of the subcategory with the link for the right pagination: /terre?start=6
> button page 3 (products #13 to #18): name of the subcategory with the link for the right pagination: /terre?start=12
> button page 4 (products #19 to #24): name of the subcategory with the link for the right pagination: /terre?start=18
> button back: doesn't work only when I go back form page 2 to page 1
> button beginning/start: doesn't work
Maybe it's something in the VM template, there's a missing javascript in the pagination system, isn't it?