twice I tried to install Joomla template storefront 3 and always I have error 1146.
The installation is performed correctly, but on the home page, I have only this:
Table 'abc.bl9ye_virtuemart_categories_en_gb' does not exist SQL = SELECT DISTINCT FROM c.virtuemart_category_id AS CID bl9ye_virtuemart_product_categories AS cx LEFT JOIN bl9ye_virtuemart_categories_en_gb AS c ON cx.virtuemart_category_id c.virtuemart_category_id = LEFT JOIN AS bl9ye_virtuemart_products_en_gb content cx.virtuemart_product_id = ON LEFT content.virtuemart_product_id JOIN bl9ye_virtuemart_categories AS cat ON c.virtuemart_category_id = cat.virtuemart_category_id WHERE (c.virtuemart_category_id = 9 OR 14 OR = c.virtuemart_category_id c.virtuemart_category_id = 12)
It Appears the page You Were looking for does not exist. Sorry about that.
Nothing herein does not work ....

Please help.