
GK User
Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:44 pm

I have Hikashop Business + Hikamarket Front.
Hikamarket Front allows to edit products from site front-end (if you are registered user with access it adds Edit button on product page).
This function doesn't work specifically when site template is Storefront..(edit button not visible on product page).
Possibly some specific layout of template.. Any ideas - what it can be and how I can fix it..
Thank you!

Kind regards,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:56 am
additional information, possible cause, I got it from Hikashop, can you check:
It is possible, that template is overriding the HikaShop display and that it does not manage the "extra data" display.

In the product page (and in some product listing), we have some code like that
<?php if(!empty($this->element->extraData->topEnd)) { echo implode("\r\n",$this->element->extraData->topEnd); } ?>

It allows plugins (or components like HikaMarket) to add some dynamic content in the product page without having to create an override.
If you override does not have such code (or not have the right one for the edit button) ; the edit button won't be displayed.
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Fresh Boarder
