Product view and category link - Help

GK User
Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:40 pm
there are 2 things i would like to achieve with your template:
1 - I am using k2store but the article layout is far as nice as the template with hikashop:
your product layout; ... ils-layout
My product layout; ... matar-tudo
So, is it possible that you help me achieve something like yours that is much better looking with description on the right?

2 - I would like, if possible, to make the category link (please see the image) to link not to the respective category but to a given article, is it possible?

Thank you very much
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:32 pm

Please send me an access to ftp, so I'll try to do something about the layout, but I'm afraid the second request may not be possible to make without some extreme changes, since there is no field for such link in product details.
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Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:23 pm

I've checked Your site and style should be there already. Problem is with the way You have entered product's content. You should not use tables, because it's streaching the layout and it's mostly why it looks bad. Try using a K2 image for the main image of the product and than image will be shifted to left with content on right.
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GK User
Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:53 pm
Is happening something strange ... when I select a product in menupt, it shows the product with menu of default theme (see images)

selecionar pt.png

(now the "add to cart" button is now translated into the language file, but here it does not appear in pt_PT and do not know why)

selecionar eng.png

will be because of this?
cat cenas.png

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance...
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:01 pm

I'm afraid I do not understand. Can You try explain it one more time please ?
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GK User
Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:22 pm
-The first image, I show what the menu where I am selecting the product.(SELECTING PRODUCT - 1) (You will also see that the "add to cart" button does not appear in PT, but in the translation file is translated.)
-I'm trying to display a product in the language of their menu, which is not happening ... image (HOW HE SHOWS PRODUCT -2).
-The third picture, I show what I think is the problem. (will be because of this?)
I hope you have noticed, my english is not the best.
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:38 am

I think I get it now. You will need to create products in each language and attach the proper language to it. So it will be used by K2 when language is selected. I think K2 support can explain it much better how to deal with their product and multilanguage than me.

I can only advice to use Falang and translate articles instead of having multiple versions. This will speed the job.
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GK User
Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:51 am
we have another problem , unfortunately they do not end .. :-(
when we want to add extra fields , they do not appear when searching for the extra fields created by us , I think it has to do with java...
You can give a hand?
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:48 pm

I do not think if K2 searches in extrafields at all. Please ask this question on K2 forum, but I think You need some extra plugin or something like that. They will know best.
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