Popups and Cart not working and more questions

GK User
Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:49 pm
I have a fresh installation of Joomla with only Storefront template, included components and HikaShop installed.
URL: [edited by moderator]

I have a couple issues/questions:

1. I can not get the login popups to work, using this short guide: http://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/storefr ... e-features

I have a "Joomla Login" module published to the "login" position. I added the menu item and tried all of the following suffix's, but the popup still will not show: "gkLogin", " gkLogin", "_gkLogin", " _gkLogin"

2. When clicking the cart in the top-right corner, nothing ever happens. The little icon just spins forever. How to fix??

3. In the demo (and on a few others sites), there is a large image slideshow at the top of the page. Where do I get that?? I do not see it listed as an installed extension anywhere.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:54 pm
EDIT - I solved all the above issues for now. I found the slideshow module on your site and got it set up.

Also, after manually adding a "SEARCH" position to the XML, the shopping cart in the top-right is working properly and so is the Login popup. It does not make sense to me why or how this would affect the cart, but it apparently does. You might want to let others know that with the SEARCH position not defined in the XML, it may cause these problems.

I'm sure I will have more issues/questions down the road.

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Fresh Boarder

Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:42 pm

Site URL edited on user request.
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