Zoom blurs images and Storefront very slow

GK User
Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:41 am
Hi there,

I just installed the quickstart package of storefront two days ago. This is my first time working with a Gavern framework template. I have two issues I would like to fix.

1 When the mouse goes over the product picture it seems to target the thumbnail image and not the original good quality image?
The results in a very blur image. Is there a fix for this issue?

2 Website speed is very very slow. The backend is slow as well as the front-end. I see a lot of options in the
template like css compression etc. should I make any changes to these settings (all switched off now)? Or any other suggestions
or ideas what might be the cause?

I can give the URL through pb?


Kind regards,

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:48 am
1. Could you please post an url to your site?
2. In most cases this is caused by slow hosting. Please change template to default Beeze template and check if it is working fine.
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GK User
Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:39 pm

When switching to beez template the load speed is acceptable to me. I have other shops/sites hosted with the same hosting company and I have not encountered this problem before but it might be part of the problem.

I will pm the Url link

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:12 pm
From what I see it takes almost 9 seconds before there is a response from first request. From what I know our template has nothing to do with response time :(.
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GK User
Tue Oct 14, 2014 7:13 pm
Thanks for taking a look. I have another option for webhosting and will try to see if switching solves the problem.

Do you know if there is a fix for the zooming issue? Image quality is really poor when zooming in when the mouse hovers over the image , I think it might be targeting the thumbnail image instead of the original image.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:38 am
Currently I don't see zomming on your homepage. Could you please write where exactly this problem bothers you?
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GK User
Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:20 pm
When you hover over the item it's opacity goes down so the item becomes opaque.
You can reduce this effect by editing: /templates/gk_storefront/css/override.css and adding at its end:
Code: Select all
.products .nspImageWrapper:hover img {
opacity: 0.3;

Now if you increase this value till 1 the effect will be less visible. If set to 1 - no effect will apply.

Remember to enable "CSS override" in template settings - advanced section.
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