hikashop Popup mode: bootstrap not working in joomla 3,3 / HikaShop Business: 2.3.2 / HikaMarket Multivendor: 1.4.2
and umber of columns of my listings which is always 1 no matter what I enter in the "number of columns" option of your menus/modules
hikashop answer: When turn on, the views of HikaShop on the frontend will be responsive and use the bootstrap library for their styling. It requires that your Joomla template supports bootstrap. On Joomla 3.0, most templates should. However, if you have display issues on your frontend (like for example the number of columns of your listings which is always 1 no matter what you enter in the "number of columns" option of your menus/modules), it means that your template does not support bootstrap
There is no problem in HikaShop with the bootstrap popup. Your template does not contains some or any CSS rule for modals,
best regards