I would like to shrink the height of the quote module (in the bottom1 position). Please let me know the tricks on how to do this
Gold Boarder
GK User
Sun May 25, 2014 7:37 pm
Could you please post an url to your site?
GK User
Sun May 25, 2014 8:40 pm
Sorry for me not being so clear. As my site is not live yet ... please go to http://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/storefront/ and it is the "What my client say..." module I mean.
How can I control the height of it`?
Gold Boarder
GK User
Mon May 26, 2014 8:44 pm
How would you exactly like to modify its height? Normally if you put more content - it should become longer.
GK User
Mon May 26, 2014 8:51 pm
It would be nice to be able to control the height in px. Can one do that?
I would prefer to have it 4 times smaller in height then on your demo.
PS: I will send you a PM with a link - as my site is not live yet.
Gold Boarder
GK User
Wed May 28, 2014 3:13 pm
Not really - top padding (above heading) is needed when menu sticks to top of the page - so it doesn't cover content when you scroll to that element. Bottom padding is added to make it look nice (it equals top padding). Now - you can reduce those spaces but you will make menu hover content when you click a link to this module.
GK User
Wed May 28, 2014 9:54 pm
OK. but in order to solve this ... can I in some way make a module which is not that high togehter with this nice looking fading feature of the text?
This module height is really way to high for my tast