Hi Everyone,
I made something in photoshop how i want to position my logo in this template.
I was wondering if its possible, what i need to adjust for it and also with the multi language option.
hope somone can help me with it
kind regards
teitbite wrote:Hi
I'm not sure if i understand. Can you please explain about this Sofia and show it to me maybe ?
#gkHeaderNav {
z-index: 10002;
#gkHeaderTop {
height: 71px;
#gkHeaderNav {
top: 71px;
#gkLogo img {
margin: -71px 0 0;
#gkHeaderTop {
height: 150px;
#gkLogo {
left: 50%;
margin: 0 24px 0 -150.5px;
position: relative;
#gkMainMenu {
float: none;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Of course, but can You please remind me the url to Your site ? I cannot find Your message. I must have deleted it, sorry.
#gkHeader {
padding: 212px 0 0;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Try add this to override.css (override needs to be enabled in order for this to work):
- Code: Select all
#gkHeader {
padding: 212px 0 0;
#gkLogo {
margin: 0 24px 0 -150.5px;
#gkLogo {
margin: 0 24px 0 -150.5px !Important;
/* Here you can include your override CSS styles */
#gkLogo {
left: 50%;
margin: 0 24px 0 -150.5px;
position: relative;
#gkHeaderNav {
z-index: 10002;
#gkHeaderNav {
top: 71px;
#gkHeaderTop {
height: 150px;
#gkMainMenu {
float: none;
#gkHeader {
position: relative;
z-index: 8000;
teitbite wrote:Hi
@giuseppek here is a piece of code to fix the popup image on Your site after our modification. Please add it to override.css file and make sure override is enabled in template settings.
- Code: Select all
#gkHeader {
position: relative;
z-index: 8000;
teitbite wrote:Hi
I got Your PM about multilanguage content of Your site. There are 3 ways:
1. Default joomla system described here: https://www.gavick.com/documentation/un ... oomla-1-7/
2. A similar to the above but with using a copy of template style with different menu attached per language
3. By using Falang component. I think it's easiest way, since first 2 can be confusing.
Thank you very much !!
everything is working correctly.
Is it also possible if you could help me get the Multi Language working on it ??(dutch and english)
i was trying but i dont seem to work...
I want to put in where the burt button is now...
#gkTopMenu {
display: block;
#gkLogo {
margin: 0 24px 0 -150.5px !important;
teitbite wrote:Hi
I got Your another message. Why I we talking via PM ? It's very confusing for discussion.Thank you very much !!
everything is working correctly.
Is it also possible if you could help me get the Multi Language working on it ??(dutch and english)
i was trying but i dont seem to work...
I want to put in where the burt button is now...
Add this at the end of mobile.css:
- Code: Select all
#gkTopMenu {
display: block;
#gkLogo {
margin: 0 24px 0 -150.5px !important;
#gkHeader {
padding: 0;
#gkHeaderTop {
position: relative;
#gkHeaderNav {
position: relative;
top: 0;