Joomla 3.5.1, Hikashop 2.6.3 Business. I am using Storefront with Hikashop Business, installed Quickstart and then Hikashop Business. The problem concerns Storefront modification of the Hikashop views.
I am having problem with the way that Storefront overrides the Hikashop view files handle the contact button on the product page when there are product variants. It changes the contact link after variant choice. The problem is described on the Hikashop Forum already. http://www.hikashop.com/forum/product-category-display/878571-contact-button.html. The solution is to change the Storefront overrides of Hikashop view files. I need help with where do I need to change them. I don't want the choice from the variants to cause any change on the contact form.
It goes about this:
Becomes changed into this after variant choice.
The variant data is generated in the view "product / show" ; while the main product data is generated in the view "product / show_default".