gkZoom in Hikashop product deformed scaling

Joomla webshop template with CSS3-based animations, VirtueMart support and one-page checkout.
GK User
Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:21 pm
I searched the forum but could not find an answer. I have a problem with the scale of the zoomed in images on the product pages.

When I use images that don't fit exactly the product page image box, the zoom will rescale them and deform them.

In the Template I define the zoom size to 200px.

In HikaShop I define the product image heigh and width to 400px. Force the image size and keep ratio. Then I upload a product picture that has different ratio. e.g. height 300px width 400px. The HikaShop displays the picture without any problems, filling the 100px with blank space.

However the zoom module zooms only the picture itself and it tries to fit it into a 400x400 ratio box deforming it in the process, making it look narrower to fit it in the rectangle box.

I need the zoom to either display the picture in ratio as it is, i.e. don't try to rescale the image ratios. Or to add 50px of blank space above and under the image.

This should work for any image with different ratio than the standard chosen image box in the HikaShop. Otherwise it is impossible to use different images and all the image would need to be standardised for the HikaShop product image height and width.

Thanks for your help.
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Junior Boarder

Sun May 01, 2016 6:32 pm

Pleas tell me the exact url to the page where I'll be able to see this problem.
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GK User
Sun May 08, 2016 3:51 pm
Sorry for the late reaction. I have solved the problem with the HikaShop settings in the end.
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Junior Boarder

Mon May 09, 2016 9:35 am

Ok. Great to hear it. Can You please tell some more details about what settings and where exactly ? It could be helpful for other ppl which are having same issue.
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GK User
Mon May 09, 2016 2:25 pm
Sure! I just don't remember the issue exactly.
If someone experience similar problems, you need to test with the settings in the Hikashop.
Go to: Hikashop->System->Configuration->Main->Pictures
There you need to play with the height, width and forcing the ratios etc.
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Junior Boarder

Tue May 10, 2016 10:49 am

Ok. That sounds easy enough. Thank You for shearing this with us. I think thread can be closed now.
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