Users: Change address pop-up window problem [HikaShop]

Joomla webshop template with CSS3-based animations, VirtueMart support and one-page checkout.
GK User
Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:12 pm
Hello to everybody in Gavick and on the Forum,

I ran into a problem related to pop-up window when user on control panel (‘my account’) try to change address.

On click - Change Address - it seem as if nothing happens, but pop-up window exists, only it is positioned deep in bottom left side of the window.

Through FIreBug (see Screen Shot) I managed to position it to be visible but…it does not work properly across template.

So, I’m seeking for help to solve this problem.

Best regards

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Junior Boarder

GK User
Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:50 pm
Could you check whether the same happen on default Joomla! template like Beez ?
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Platinum Boarder
