Problems Changing Titles and Images

April 2014 WordPress Theme
GK User
Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:47 am
Hey guys,

I'm having trouble changing the titles of sections. For example, I'm trying to change "I Do Love My Clients" to say "Brands I've worked with" however when I change this in the Bottom II widgets widget it does not change on the front end of the site. I tried editing this in the 'Posts' section as well and nothing changes.

For the 'My Hot Works' section - how do you add images of your work? I may have bad eyes, but I can't seem to find a widget where you can edit these images and the text that goes alongside them.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:34 am

"My Hot Works' is a News Show Pro widget with portfolio style used. Featured images from posts are used as images in this widget (you can choose wchich category(ies) will be displayed).

Generally John theme allow to create frontpage from widgets or posts, could you send me a PM with backend access to your website? Then I'll be able to explain how you should edit your frontpage content.
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GK User
Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:30 am
Most definitely! Really appreciate it Piotr!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:07 pm

You are using widgets on your frontpage. If you want to change "My Hot Works" please go to Widgets -> Mainbody widget area and expand News SHow Pro by GavickPro widget, here on the "Basic Settings" tab you can select the widget source (i.e. categories). Then you have to edit (or add new) posts to selected categories. Featured images from posts will be used as images on your frontpage and that's all.
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GK User
Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:48 am
Got it, thanks Piotr!

I was wondering how I can go about changing the featured image...I can't find where to change that in the html or anywhere else. Also, is there a way I can edit the text of 'My Hot Works' and "I Do Love My Clients"? I'd like to change those to say something else.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:30 am
Sure, these texts are titles of your widgets (basic settings tab in News Show Pro), or i.e in the widget's content:
Code: Select all
<h3 class="header" data-scroll-reveal="enter from the top and move 50px over 0.45s">I do<i class="gk-icon-heart"></i> my<br />clients</h3>

You have to change text between html tags used for animations and icons.

Regarding featured image, please check this article: ... wordpress/
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GK User
Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:31 am

You're the man.
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