As I can change the colors blacks/grays of fonts, borders and backgrounds? Is there any document for those colors or are scattered all CSS files?
Expert Boarder
GK User
Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:05 pm
Unfortunately there's no documentation for the all CSS rules, so you have to inspect the element using Firebug or Google Dev Tools and override it with your own css. ... t-size-etc
GK User
Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:32 pm
Honestly it seems like a bad joke, because when I inspected only the frontpage, I found 12 different tones of gray, even 3 of them seem a error when writing CSS code (383637, 3A3637, 3A3636)...
Expert Boarder
GK User
Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:01 pm
You have 6 color schemes and if you want to create the new one, it's enough to copy css rules from i.e. css/style1.css into overrride.css file and change the color values, but the colors like gray are neutral, so unfortunately you have to override it manually. Why exactly these 3 color values seem to be wrong?