I can't understand how the Frontpage works

April 2014 WordPress Theme
GK User
Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:57 am

He leido la documentación pero no consigo entender como funciona la pagina de inicio.
En los Themes que he usado hasta ahora funcionaba creando una Página para la Portada y otra para el Blog. En Ajustes > Lectura seleccionas las 2 paginas y listo, pero parece que aquí no funciona. ¿Como debe hacerse?
En mi pagina uso custom_types para el Portfolio y las Entradas para el Blog, así que necesito una página que muestre todas las entradas de Worpress.




I have read the documentation but I can't understand how the Frontpage works.
In the Themes that I've used so far worked creating a page for Frontpage and one for the Blog. In Settings> Reading you select 2 pages and ready, but apparently does not work here. How should it be done?
In my page custom_types use for Portfolio and Blog Posts for, so I need a page that displays all entries Worpress.

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GK User
Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:19 pm

Did you check this article?
Generally there are two way to create the frontapge (using widgets or frontpage template from the above article).
Did you import xml file with demo content? (posts, pages)
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GK User
Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:37 pm
Si, he leido este artículo y lo entiendo. Lo que no entiendo es como definir la página para el blog
Yes, I have read this article and understand it. I do not understand is how to define the page for the blog
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GK User
Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:41 pm
A parte de esto, como te comento en otro post, el Gavick's Framework no me funciona correctamente...
No guarda los cambios
Apart from this, as I will discuss in another post, the Gavick's Framework don't work correctly...
Don't save changes
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GK User
Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:50 am
For the blog you can use i.e. Latest Posts template page. If you can't save your template options, you probably are using the old version of the John theme, please check the John -> Updates section.
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GK User
Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:38 am
Ok, perfecto. ¿Y es posible tener una barra lateral en este formato?

Yo estoy usando la última versión de John (1.3).
El Theme no guarda las opciones.
Yo pulso el boton guardar y no pasa absolutamente nada.


Ok, fine. And is it possible to have a sidebar in this format?

I'm using the latest version of John (1.3).
The Theme does not save options.
I press the button to save and absolutely nothing happens.
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