We are customizing your wonderful WordPress theme 'John', We are almost there but we need your assistance in regards to a few issues I am posting below.
For a better understanding, kindly view this image http://imgur.com/2Wvk55v.
1. We are unable to change this logo. I am aware that you provied an option
in the dashboard under John=>Theme branding. I tried uploading the logo
but when I click save, the save button does not work, it does not retain the changes.
2. Can you please let us know how we can change the items
in the drop down. We are unable to find where these items
are being called from.
3. When these slides are changing, there is the logo
visible beneth the slides, how can we hide it.
4. We need to hide the all and make the Nos Solution default, we do not want any filters here. Can you please
let us know how and in which file we can hide the word ‘ALL’
5. When one of the blocks is clicked, this view popos up. In this view. We would like to hide the
fields striked out and e would like to replace that with just a block of text. Kindly let us know if this is
posible and how.
6. Where do we add the image of the Map on this page
Kindly do not divert us to any documentation as we have tried our best. Your elaborate and speedy response in exact relevance to each point would be much appreciated.
Thank you.