Hi there,
I'm still kinda new to Joomla. And started using Gavick because it looked easy and well documentated. But for some reason i see on the forum people are able to do some magic, like visible in demo page. But i'm not able to.
1. Do i miss some information? Am I not looking to the correct locations for informations?
2. Gavick ain't 'dummy' proof?
I guess my problem is number one. To start my first little frustration the top menu. On the demo site its a nice menu which links to anchors on the website and on subpages its a normal menu. You seem to call this dual menu's.
I found some info about this on https://www.gavick.com/documentation/jo ... -mainmenus
I configured it exactly like this....but i don't even have a clue how to link buttons to anchors etc etc etc
And how to make HOME button?
sample: redsecurity.nl.eu.org