Hi there!
I downloaded your John's template and I have several cuestions...
Please you can find here the website and check the next problems: http://www.tukutukudesign.com
1- Why my Menu is fixed all the time?. I mean... when you are in header, before you scroll down by clicking scroll down link, the menu should be hidden but in my case is visible all the time. What's wrong?
2- When you scroll down from the header you go directly to "Check out my hot works". In my case it is going further down than the demo, so that I can't see the category selectors because they are hidden above.
3- "Check out my hot works" module. Here everything is a disaster!
- Firstly, the headline is located a little bit down than the demo and it starts touching the thumnails. I would like it to be like in the demo.
- Secondly, between the pictures there are big margins. I've checked the css comparing with the demo and I can't find the difference.
- Thirdly, when you click any thumbnail and the pop-up appears the image resolution is really bad. I have tried the following things: I double checked the module size (680x450px), I changed the image sizes in the general configuration of K2 by higher sizes, and finally I have been uploading the images several times.
Any help will be good!!