need to make two modules similar to Gavick University Template, is the similar typoraphy available in John template.
- Code: Select all
<div class="custom newsletter">
<form class="gk-newsletter" action="#">
<p><input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail address" /> <span><input type="button" value="Subscribe" /></span></p>
- Code: Select all
<form action="#" class="gkInformation">
<strong>Get info based on<br /> your study lavel</strong>
<input type="text" placeholder="Full name" name="full-name" />
<input type="text" placeholder="Your education level" name="education-level" />
<input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" name="email" />
<input type="submit" value="Request information" />
Also, how to get the frontpage menu item on the right hand side named "Blog" in Gavick John Demo page.