To introduce "Check out my hot works", I'd like to display a short description before the pictures.
Is there a way to do that ? I tried to add a description text to the K2 category but I didn't find how to display it
// if you want to insert a text before the images
.gkNspPM-Portfolio2 .gkImagesWrapper::before {
clear: both;
color: #000;
content: "what you want to display before the k2 portfolios images - example : Click on the image for details";
display: table;
.gkPortfolioPopup.activated.active::before {
content: "what you want to display before the k2 element image";
color: #000;
// if you want to insert a text after the images
.gkNspPM-Portfolio2 .gkImagesWrapper::after {
clear: both;
color: #000;
content: "what you want to display AFTER the k2 portfolios images";
display: table;
.gkPortfolioPopup.activated.active::after {
content: "what you want to display AFTER the k2 element image";
color: #000;