Help using GK Extra Menu / John drop downs

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GK User
Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:07 pm
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My problem is almost certainly down to my own stupidity :? , but try as I might I can't work out what to do and I'm hoping someone can assist.
If I've understood correctly, the John template uses GK Extra Menu module, instead of the default Joomla Menu module and works by me assigning different articles to the module id override in the Template Manager under Menu.
Whilst all of the Menu options are the same in my template configuration as they are in the documentation, none of the John ones seem to be being used.
I have created two menu items: Home and Booking (created under the regular Joomla Menu menu process) and they display in the top bar just fine, but the page doesn't scroll down from one to the other. The Home menu item is assigned to a single article whereas the Bookings is assigned to a Contact. (BTW, I know the recpatcha isn't working, but I also do know how to fix it).
We really only want the two pages at this time, though we may add a third in the not too distant future and the John demo looked exactly what we're after. I'm sure it is, but as I said at the start my neurons aren't coping properly with this one. Any help is gratefully received.
The website, in case you want to see what I mean, is:
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:46 pm
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Can You please try to explain it a little bit better? I'm afraid I do not understand what is the problem with this menu ?
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GK User
Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:22 pm
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teitbite wrote:hi

Can You please try to explain it a little bit better? I'm afraid I do not understand what is the problem with this menu ?

I will try to explain better, but maybe it is my understanding that needs fixing!

First of all, let me state an assumption: as I understand it, when the user scrolls down or up one screen what's actually happening is that they are moving from one menu item to another.

Next assumption: the menu items are assigned via the menu item that is called 'menu' from within the gk_john_s - Default template, accessed from Template Manager (so Extensions -> Template Manager -> Menu).

In there, if I scroll to the bottom, it looks like there is a section called 'Module ID override' which lists what looks like the scrollable elements of the John template (for example: Option bottom2 - clients, Option bottom3 - blog and so one). My assumption at this point is that if I replace these with the items that I want the user to see when they scroll that's what I need to do. My belief is that this is controlled by the Menu module that is supplied with the template.

On the other hand, there is the Joomla Menu module accessed from the top of the screen under Menus -> Main Menu. It is the menus in here that are showing, not the menus from above, and therefore they are not scrollable, or so it seems.

I hope that makes more sense?
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:06 pm
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I'm still not sure, but I think You are talking about anchored menu and changing it's values to Yours.

In template menu or module menu You can use links as for example #header which will not refresh the site, but scroll to the section with a html id="header". Sections has their names by default, example: bottom1, bottom2, etc. You can overwrite them in template settings to change it into Your desired names.

If You want "scrollable" menu on one page, but "redirecting" menu on other than You need to make a copy of template style and attach one style with selection of correct menu to some pages and other style with other menu to rest of the pages.
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GK User
Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:33 pm
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I think maybe it's all just too confusing for me :(

I just want a scrolling page, like the demo for John. To me it looks like the first page is 'Hello I'm John' and the next page is 'Check out how my hot works', then next page is 'Didn't you know?' and so on. My question really is how do I put my own pages in place of those pages. I thought it was under Extensions -> Template Manager -> Menu, not under Menus -> Main Menu or Menus -> User menu. Is this correct?
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:52 pm
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I still do not understand :( I think You mean module positions linked to menu now, but I'm just guessing. Anyway I'll try to explain.

- here is a list of module positions: ... -positions
- add Your content using modules to module positions called (it's just an example): bottom1, bottom2, bottom3.

- create menu items with type External URL and use a value as this for links: #gkBottom1 - this will scroll to bottom1 module on the site
- same thing with #gkBottom2 and #gkBottom3
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