Code tried:
- Code: Select all
<p data-scrollreveal="enter top move 25px">content</p>
<p class="gkAnimate">Content</p>
I tried with text, it didn't work... with both.
First aim was to animate a Price Table.. but i am not sure if this is possible:
- Code: Select all
<p class="gkAnimate">
<div class="gkPriceTable col3">
<dd class="gkPrice">$15<small>/ month</small></dd>
<dd>Access to all themes</dd>
<dd>Regular theme updates</dd>
<dd>Email / Phone Support</dd>
<dd>Use your own domain</dd>
<dd><a href="#" class="button" >Choose</a></dd>
<dl class="gkPremium">
<dd class="gkPrice">$99<small>/ month</small></dd>
<dd>Access to all themes</dd>
<dd>Regular theme updates</dd>
<dd>Email / Phone Support</dd>
<dd>Use your own domain</dd>
<dd>Try it for a month!</dd>
<dd><a href="#" class="button" >Choose</a></dd>
<dd class="gkPrice">$29<small>/ month</small></dd>
<dd>Access to all themes</dd>
<dd>Regular theme updates</dd>
<dd>Email / Phone Support</dd>
<dd>Use your own domain</dd>
<dd><a href="#" class="button" >Choose</a></dd>