change the figcaption text

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GK User
Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:50 am
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Hello, I've been looking for the file to change the figcaption text. It's for the award section.

I want to change the text "HTML Inspiration" for something else, as an example.

Code: Select all
<div class="gkColumnRight">
<figure data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom and move 50px over 0.3s after 0.2s"><img src="images/demo/award_1.png" alt="Prize" /><figcaption><h4>HTML Inspiration</h4><p>Featured Site + #1 Best of the best</p></figcaption></figure>
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GK User
Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:30 am
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Hello, what did I do wrong, I've lost the animation-cup for this custom HTML module. Any clue? It doesn't show up anymore since I edited the following:

Code: Select all
<div class="gkColumnLeft">
<h3 class="header" data-scroll-reveal="enter left and move 50px over 0.6s">Saviez-<br />vous<br />que?!</h3>
<p data-scroll-reveal="enter left and move 50px over 0.6s after 0.3s">Nos professeurs utilisent une méthode d'enseignement de la guitare approuvée par le Ministère des Sport et Loisir du Québec. Nous sommes aussi récipiendaire d'une bourse du Conseil des Arts du Canada et du Centre Local de Développement de Québec.</p>
<div class="gkColumnRight">
<figure data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom and move 50px over 0.3s after 0.2s"><img src="images/demo/award_1.png" alt="Prize" /><figcaption>
<h4>HTML Inspiration</h4>
<p>Featured Site + #1 Best of the best</p>
<figure data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom and move 50px over 0.3s after 0.4s"><img src="images/demo/award_2.png" alt="Prize" /><figcaption>
<h4>French Design Index</h4>
<p>Featured Site + #1 Best of the best</p>
<figure data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom and move 50px over 0.3s after 0.6s"><img src="images/demo/award_3.png" alt="Prize" /><figcaption>
<p>Featured Site + #1 Best of the best</p>
<figure data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom and move 50px over 0.3s after 0.8s"><img src="images/demo/award_4.png" alt="Prize" /><figcaption>
<h4>The FWA</h4>
<p>Featured Site + #1 Best of the best</p>
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GK User
Sat Oct 18, 2014 7:11 pm
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it probably that's why that your TinyMCE or JCE cleaned some code.
Disable WYSIWYG editor, and paste again orginal code from this module which you can find on documentation page: ... iguration/

an then modify again...
or just find differences :mrgreen:
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