Darren, forget about my last CSS class, delete it ... I spend 30 minutes, and I've found what is wrong.
In Header1 module-
must be this code- Code: Select all
<h1 class="gkAnimate active">Hello!<br>My name<br>is John</h1>
<p class="gkAnimate active">I'm multidisciplined freelance designer specialise in rich interactive experiences for web. If you’ve got an exciting project, get in touch with me!</p>
<a class="gkScrollDown gkAnimate reverse active" href="#my-works">Scroll Down</a>
<div class="gkHeaderBg active" style="background-image: url(http://www.johnwest.co.uk.gridhosted.co.uk/images/demo/header/header1.jpg);"></div>
Small differences , but now it should work exactly like on demo page.
There was wrong code in my QS and Docs page.