Dear support,
Great template. Thank you very much. I need to point out an issue in the template. In your demo you have configured / designed the module to display 4 cols and 3 rows
In my case i have more than 6 rows of portfolio to display. So here comes the problem of the position of the overlay. Since i see that it is not a fixed position you end up clicking on the 6th row thumb and the overlay appears so high, that someone has to scroll up to even understand that an overlay has appeared. This looks ugly and is not UX friendly at all.
I am not in my office so i can't send you a screenshot of my template, but i can see the same issue on another site using your theme. Check it out in and click one of the last thumbs that she has in her portfolio. You will understand what i want to point out.
I have also attached a screenshot from her site
Could you please provide any solutions to that?
Thank you in advance