How do I prevent the logo from displaying here, see attachment.
Url Website: http://wraysconsulting.com/
#gkLogoSmall {
display: none;
#gkTop.active #gkLogoSmall {
display: block;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Please add this to override.css and make sure override is enabled in template settings:
- Code: Select all
#gkLogoSmall {
display: none;
#gkTop.active #gkLogoSmall {
display: block;
UmzoboAdmin wrote:Hi guys! A quick question: I see that Teitbite you gave a solution to the problem that I'm also facing. My question is: Where do I paste the code you just gave Leaseline1? Do I go to Template manager > gk_John_s > Advance settings > Enable CSS Override > and then paste it under Custom CSS code?
Please forgive me I'm just an accountant hehehehe. Thanks for reading!