I can not change the logo image size with the override code:
h1#gkLogo a img {
height: auto !important;
and i have override enabled and clean my cache.
Any solutions?
because the logo is very small now
thank you in advance
#gkLogo.cssLogo, #gkLogoSmall.cssLogo, #gkLogo, #gkLogoSmall { height: __px;width: __px; }
#gkLogoSmall.cssLogo {
background-size: auto 100%;
height: 52px !important;
margin: 0 25px 0 0 !important;
width: 112px !important;
#gkLogoSmall, #gkLogoSmall.cssLogo {
margin: 6px 40px 2px 0;
height: 52px!important;
width: 90px!important;
#gkLogo.cssLogo, #gkLogoSmall.cssLogo, #gkLogo, #gkLogoSmall { height: __px;width: __px; }