I`ve read this post...
https://www.gavick.com/forums/universit ... 64#p223774
and others post in this forum about the same problem.
I´ve tried solvent the error in my website thats runs Joomla! 3.4.1 and NSP (1.8.2 re-installed).
I`ve done al this steps...
- Code: Select all
0) Install new current version of NSP GK5 (re-install)
1) Open module in edit mode
2) Click Refresh button in your browser
3) Change data source to another from list
4) Change order of showing items
5) Save changes - check on front page
6) If okey, change data source back to option which you have at the beginning
But, I can't find the solution.
The website is http://www.talleresrobles.com
Can anyone help me, please?