Error 1064 when NSP GK5 is enabled

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GK User
Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:43 pm
Error 1064 when NSP GK5 is enabled

I`ve read this post... ... 64#p223774

and others post in this forum about the same problem.

I´ve tried solvent the error in my website thats runs Joomla! 3.4.1 and NSP (1.8.2 re-installed).

I`ve done al this steps...

Code: Select all
0) Install new current version of NSP GK5 (re-install)
1) Open module in edit mode
2) Click Refresh button in your browser
3) Change data source to another from list
4) Change order of showing items
5) Save changes - check on front page
6) If okey, change data source back to option which you have at the beginning

But, I can't find the solution.

The website is

Can anyone help me, please?
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:18 am
I have had the same problem for the last three weeks. I deleted the module and uploaded the latest version of NSP GKS.
And then followed these steps:
0) Install new current version of NSP GK5 (re-install)
1) Open module in edit mode
2) Click Refresh button in your browser
3) Change data source to another from list
4) Change order of showing items
5) Save changes - check on front page
6) If okey, change data source back to option which you have at the beginning

But still no luck. Please fix this issue. It's become so annoying.
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Fresh Boarder
