Hi all,
I must be missing something in the configuration of News Show Pro GK5.
What I want to do:
- Display on 1 page articles coming from several rss sources.
For instance, there will be a page dedicated to French political parties.
Of course, there is one or more source per party.
I want all these articles (from all the parties) to be displayed on one page.
I assume that in the module / data source / I should choose RSS or XML file...
But then I have 2 questions:
- Where do I create the source files ?
- If the sources are different from one party to another, how can I get in one page all the articles ?
Is it possible to create a kind of category which would grab different sources formats?
For example, I would like the articles coming from all those sources to be displayed in one page (1 module):
http://www.mouvementdemocrate.fr/rubriq ... s/feed.xml
Thank you everyone for your answers, advices...