I've narrowed down the cause of the problem (for me). The ordering of other modules in the sidebar position must come after the the gkNSP to prevent the code (regarding strict standards and line 98) from showing. In my case, I have a mini calendar published on these pages, and if it's set to display above the NSP module More Events, then it "breaks" the display of the gkNSP module.
I'm attaching examples below
Screen shot 2014-09-16 at 4.43.31 PM.png
Screen shot 2014-09-16 at 4.44.05 PM.png
Anybody at GavickPro know what causes this and how to fix it?
I HATE determining my layout and design of a site due to technical glitches, it's bassAckwards way of doing things.
Side note:
The calendar module shown is an Event Registration Pro Mini Calendar from version 3.1.0 of Event Registration Pro -
This same issue occurs even when using the K2 Tools calendar provided in the theme.
Much appreciated guys, thanks in advance for your time and assistance resolving the issue.