Generic comment component under News Show Pro

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GK User
Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:14 am

I am trying to insert a generic (ie not blog post specific) comment component/module under the Daily Blog (News Show Pro) module on the following page (near the bottom where the two blog images are)

I basically need to replicate the commenting functionality seen on this site (appearing near the bottom under the long column of images)

Is there functionality within News Show or can anyone recommend a module that will give me what I need? I need people to be able to just post comments without logging in and not post specifically to a blog - much like how you would just post on on an open Facebook page, continuous commenting not related to any particular blog post.

I have tried activating K2 and Kommento commenting in the Daily Blog News Show module but it doesnt allow random posting - it just shows existing blog posts - also it doesnt align on the page very well so id rather try something else.

Please help if you can.

Thanks a lot.
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GK User
Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:43 am
If you want to include comments form in NSP it is not possible and you probably need to use different module. I don't see any way in Joomla to assign comments no page which is not a single article because there is no way to link this articles with any source.
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