i see another post with the same problem but i can't solve it following the steps.
My problem is that i have a website in 2 languaes it-IT and en-GB where en-GB is the ID 1 but the default language in the it-IT with ID 2.
I take a look into my DB and i found 3 VM product tables:
- virtuemart_products
- virtuemart_products_en_gb
- virtuemart_products_it_it
All my products are into the it-IT language and for now only few are translated in the en-gb table.
When i use the News pro module i notice that the module get products from the "virtuemart_products" where i have only 5 old products. In the it-IT i have over 165 products but i can't do the module work on that table.
How can i use the advanced settings of the module to let it work ?