I am testing out the Virtuemart currency converter on a dev-site. Everything works in VM itself and product view, but when I use NSP5 with product gallery on the frontpage the conversion won't work there. The only thing that changes is the currency symbol. Main currency is €. If something costs 100€ and I try to view it in $ or KR it will only state 100$ or 100KR.
The strange thing is that I have seen it working with NSP5, but I cannot get it to work again. However I did upgrade to the latest version of NSP5 today, so it might have something to do with that.
Dev-site is at: http://dev-com.jungle-sports.com/
Cache is turned off on site, and have also erased cache in browser to see if the problem could be there, but no luck.
There also seems to be a bug under the tab Virtuemart Additional Settings. Box only states MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_VM_LANG without any explanation what it does. See attached image for this.
Hope anyone can be of help.