I found a solution for my problem: delete all k2 files, and delete some k2 fields in the database.
My site was recently updated from joomla 2.5.* to Joomla 3.3.
Before updating I had deleted the k2 component, using the compinent manager inside the admin of joomla.
That went all-right, and after that - and after deleting lots of older 'old' plugins and components - I successfully upgraded to joomla 3.
After installing the news pro module i got an error message.
I checked the error-message that I get when I open the just installed module for the first time.
This is the error message:
error 1146 Table ...k2_categories'... does not exist.
K2 is not installed. I deleted it from the j2.5 version of the site before upgrading tot j3.2.3.
So first I tried to install K2. That went wrong: error messages and no better luck with the re-installed news pro module.
Then I checked the forum of K2 itself and read that I had to remove various files inside the database and the joom file-set in the the sub-folder component. So I did, re-installed the news pro module and got the same errors etc as before. I only want to delete and delete it: never to be used again. bit it keeps creeping up.
I suspect that when the news pro module gets installed it looks for signs of k2 inside the website, and on finding signs of these tries to do something with k2 that stops it working allright.
And then I remembered the sub-folder administrator as a location for k2 files!
Deleted them all there, reinstalled for the umptied time the mews pro module, and saw it working okay for the first time!
So, the problem is solved and it wasn't a news pro problem on-its-own, but one triggered by not complete delete of an ancient k2 version in my site.
Hope this helps you solving your problem with the news pro module.