I am trying to implement the Creativity template with News Show Pro GK on Joomla 3.2. I was able to implement the Creativity template with NSP GK5 on Joomla 2.5.16 successfully, but I'm having a fair amount of trouble on 3.2.
The biggest challenge that I am having is the availability or lack of availability to NSP GK5 parameters when using Portfolio mode (like the Creativity demo). The parameters presented vary based on the administrator template that I am using.
In Joomla 2.5, in both the Hathor and Bluestork templates, the following parameters are presented (see attachments):
Basic Settings, Data Source, Joomla! Content Additional Settings, Portfolio - Portal Mode Settings, Thumbnails, External Files,
Configuration Check, About
In Joomla 3.0, in the Hathor template, all possible parameters are displayed, but not all are expandable (see attachment). For example, RSS Additional Settings and Easy Blog Additional Settings are displayed, but not applicable settings, like Thumbnails do not expand properly.
In Joomla 3.0, in the Isis template, one set of parameters that I expected to see in Portfolio mode was Joomla! Content Additional Settings, but it is not there; instead, something called Article Layout and Animation is there. (see attachment).
I am trying to use, implement and configure the Creativity template on my site in the same way that it is implemented and configured in the Demo, so it is important that I am able to match the parameter settings of the demo (which I have installed locally for reference) to my installation. And, because of the way Hathor and Isis are displaying or not displaying parameters, it is difficult o know if I am setting the parameters correctly.
The problem is happening in Firefox 26.0 and Chrome 31.0.1650.63