I'm using the News Show Pro GK5 Module with Joomla 3.1.5 and the template "Simplicity". For my current project, I want to use the module to show the references of the topic from the website.
Therefor I created the module as a news gallery, with data source "Joomla! articles", thumbnail image "Intro image" und the article layout.
The selected articles show up on the frontpage. But I want to modyfiy the appearance of the articles (e.g. change the structure (image first, then title or show the title and article-Ttxt just as a tooltip, etc) and can't achiev my goals just by editing css.
I think I found the file to modify in: ..\modules\mod_news_ro_gk5\tmpl\com_content\view.php.
If I change here, for example, the <h4> to <h2>, it works.
But if I change things there, they aren't saved for updates, right?! How has the folder structure to be, to do an template-override of the view.php? I tried it with ..\templates\gk_simplicity\html\mod_news_ro_gk5\tmpl\com_content\view.php but it doesn't work.
Is the view.php the right file for this modifications, at all? And can you please tell me the right structure for the template override?