Hi there, I have bbpress running on my test site here: http://www.jamjosandbox.com/mag/forums/ and for the most part it integrates pretty well with the theme. One large issue I cannot seem to solve with a css tweak or two is the editor. if you go here: http://www.jamjosandbox.com/mag/forums/ ... iscussion/ and try and post a topic or reply (you need to be logged in) then you see this in terms of the box where you type the main content: http://i60.tinypic.com/2307pc.jpg
As you can see the box border around the main content area is missing and also the controls like bold and italic and so on you cannot really see at all. Would you have any fix or solution for this.
As I say not much else was wrong actually other than this so hopefully it is fixable or you can tell me how to grab styling from another theme specifically for the bbpress part? Thanks in advance.